In 2000 the Provincial Grand Primo, Bro Mike Wallace KOM, picked the Herefordshire MacMillan Nurses Urology Appeal as his chosen charity. "Every other day in Herefordshire a man is told he has prostate cancer. These patients need a high quality specialist service available locally. MacMillan Cancer Relief is helping to meet this need. In partnership with the NHS locally, it is initiating the first MacMillan Urology Nurse, not only in the County, but also in Central England - there are only twelve such posts in the UK. This specialist Nurse is a mandatory element in meeting the Calman Hine minimum requirements for accreditation of the Herefordshire urology service. The post will be part of the MacMillan cancer care team based in the Charles Renton Unit at Hereford County Hospital. Establishing centres of specialist expertise such as this is key to raising service quality and improving accessibility to the levels enjoyed elsewhere in Europe. The Herefordshire Hospitals NHS Trust want to meet the Calman Hine requirements for urology and thus improve care for patients and their families. This critical post will be an integral part of the urology service and will have strong links with primary care. The service will ensure that appropriate care is delivered to patients in all settings; hospital, general practice surgery, and patients homes." On Friday 15th December 2000, The PGP Bro Mike Wallace KOM handed over a cheque for £5,500 to Peter Rowland, the area representative of the MacMillan Nurses. Pictured below is the presentation by the PGP and DPGP at the Hereford Welsh Social Club. |